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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

8 Ways to Eat More Superfoods

Ways to Eat More Superfoods

Ways to Eat More Superfoods - Have you heard that you are supposed to eat something called “superfoods” in order to optimize your nutrition and health? Superfoods are foods that are thought to offer a large boost of nutrients, antioxidants and immune boosting properties. These include foods like flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp protein, turmeric and many more. Sometimes, it can be hard to get more of them into your diet though, especially if you are not sure how to eat them or what they would taste good in. Here are some tips for how to eat more superfoods.

8 Ways to Eat more Superfoods

Find a way to sprinkle them onto your favorite foods.

For instance, turmeric has a mild, savory taste and is great to sprinkle on something like mac n cheese. You won’t even notice it there. I like to take flax seeds and sprinkle them on Asian-inspired dishes. It adds a great crunch factor and a wonderful nutty taste.

Add to smoothies and your juicing routine. 

You can buy flax seed meal and hemp protein powder and both go awesome in smoothies. You will not notice they are there at all! If pulp or textures don’t bother you, add some chia seeds into your smoothies, too.

Use it as an additive to baked goods. 

Just like in smoothies, you will not even notice that you added some extra hemp or flax protein powder to a favorite muffin recipe or mix. It won’t change the recipe formula and your foods will have an extra boost! You can even use flaxseed meal as a substitute for eggs or oil in baked goods.

Consider adding superfoods to sauces and soups. 

Turmeric especially lends itself to being added to all kinds of soups. It has a savory taste, so it works well in potato-based soups such as clam chowder. Be aware that it will color things yellow! Here is a recipe that uses avocados, another superfood, as a base for pasta sauce.

Swap it for something super. 

Spinach is a superfood because it is packed with so much iron and other great nutrients, and it is also cheap to purchase, too! Instead of salad greens like iceberg in your next meal, swap it for spinach. If you are not a big fan of spinach’s taste to eat a whole salad of it, try just swapping out half your salad’s greens and replacing them with it. You can also swap poppy seeds for the superfood chia seeds, like in these lemon chia seed muffins.

Make desserts with superfoods. 

Most people don’t consider desserts to be a chore to eat, so why not make some superfood desserts? Did you know cinnamon is a superfood? Make some delicious cinnamon desserts and you won’t have to feel as guilty knowing you are eating a superfood dessert.

Look for specific recipes using superfoods. 

You may be surprised to know that there are many recipes out there from complicated to super easy that feature superfoods. Just do a quick search for recipes featuring them and you will have endless possibilities.

Research what a superfood is. 

You may already eat a lot of one or can easily add it to more dishes you make. Did you know there are over 50 foods that are considered superfoods? Some of the more common superfoods are apples, strawberries, beans, avocados and even the common banana. (source
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